Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Senin, 26 November 2012

Rabu, 21 November 2012


My recent artwork! :)

She's Belle from Beauty and The Beast Movie by Disney.

This fan art titles "A rose for your soul"

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Satoshi Chii

Hi there! :D
It's been a really while since i activated here. I was really absurd back then and misusing this place, making it as the place where i pour my feelings at. #tehee

I guess i'm more interested on updating my artworks here instead of my daily problems and making intention to put up my PORTFOLIO ARTWORKS! #noteit
You might be bored reading my all complaints. Oh oh! Not to be so naive, but i surely will update my daily activity too. #ifiwantto

So yeah, at the left side is my design character that accidently made. #LOL
I am not really good on creating such character as i'm so DAMN lazy to read and analyze the things around me! Whether i know that good illustrators are diligent to scan history or re-read everything. I must confess that i lack of understanding matter, BUT i will try to be diligent one to analyze! :D

Oh, back to the topic! :P
I'm such talkative one when it comes to speak!
Her name is Satoshi Chii, It was basically from Japanese language which means Satoshi is Charming and Chii is Blood. A charming blood. I named her like that because i found her character is such a mystic and elegant girl at the same time FEARLESS. Wow! It's so random. But, i like the way she's designed! :D

I'll just develop her character when i have my really SPARE TIME!
I hope she's accepted by all of you guys! #hugs